At KWIRX, we push the creative envelope to produce engaging traditional and digital experiences.
We work in all the right mediums, and are driven to create eye-catching designs that are effective.


Brand & Identity Development

Crafting the right brand /identity is an art, and one that happens to be our forté. We will build you a clear, valuable image and ensure it is conveyed consistently in all of your marketing communications.



Strategic Marketing Plan Development

Every business needs a good marketing plan. From top to bottom, KWIRX can create a plan that fits your immediate needs and that will scale for future growth. We will identify the right marketing avenues and creative components for your business, and map out an execution strategy that delivers results.


Web Design & Development

Home base. That is how we view your site. Call us web-centric, but we believe all marketing roads should lead to a well designed and functional website. More importantly, your site should be visually stunning, work in all browsers, and play nice with Google. KWIRX can give you a simple web presence, the ability to manage your own content, or an e-commerce solution. Custom fit, everytime.


Ad creative should be a clear extension of your brand and image. Whether you are looking for traditional print ads, or animated online banner units, KWIRX will deliver high-quality and engaging creative that speaks to your core identity.



Email Marketing

A strong email marketing strategy can yield powerful results, and be the greatest tool for driving traffic to a site. We’ve worked on strategies at the enterprise and small business levels, with consistently positive results. We create beautiful emails that entice click-thrus, and are easily viewable in all major email clients.


Video Production

From corporate training videos to promotional segments and broadcast commercials, our team will create an engaging visual experience that meshes perfectly with your brand .  We also specialize in creating dazzling motion graphics and special effects.  Check out what we’ve created in our portfolio.